Bullying Prevention

Feeling safe and building strong, supportive relationships is an integral part of our wellness. DPS recognizes that being in school may be even more stressful than usual for students. The resources on this page are available to support classrooms and families who would like to focus on building pro-social skills, like relationship building, empathy, and cooperation.

Sometimes, it's difficult to even tell...

In the virtual world, what exactly is bullying? This video defines and gives specific examples of when social-media posts cross the line. There are lots of additional videos and resources at stopbullying.gov.

MTW + Anti- Bullying Videos Exercises Overview.pdf

Move This World Pro-Social Exercises for Teens

Our DPS Partner Move This World unlocked a series of videos where teens can actually practice pro-social, anti-bullying behaviors. Try it out!

Edutopia Focuses on Anti-Bullying Resources

This article from Edutopia highlights a wide variety of anti-bullying resources to support education and prevention efforts.