SEL Curricula
Middle & High School SEL Curricula
After a thorough selection process, DPS approved two SEL Curricula to guide SEL competency development in our middle and high schools. We look forward to early adoption at a few schools this fall as we prepare for full implementation in spring. These videos and the link to the websites should support school based teams beginning to explore these two SEL curricula.

Watch THIS video to get an overview of Rethink Ed!
Carrington Middle School
Lakewood Montessori Middle School
Lucas Middle School
Githens Middle School
Durham School of Technology
Hillside High School
Durham Performance Learning Center
Middle College High School

Watch THIS video to get an overview of Character Strong!
Brogden Middle School
Neal Middle School
Shepard Middle School
Lowe's Grove Middle School
Rogers Herr Middle School
City of Medicine Academy
Early College High School
Jordan High School
Northern High School
Riverside High School
Southern School of Energy and Sustainability
Durham School of the Arts
Ignite! Online Academy
Lakeview Secondary School
Elementary School SEL Curricula
Restorative Practices Resources
DPS is committed to a restorative approach to SEL, which means that we work with students rather than doing things to them or for them. Here are some basic resources for planning restorative classroom discussions.

Circle Planning Guide

Restorative Circle Openings and Closings