SEL for Staff
SEL is a critical part of a healthy and happy classroom. For educators, that means teaching and modeling the SEL competencies. It is challenging, however, to teach and model the competencies when we are struggling with our own wellbeing. This section contains tips and tools for teaching SEL competencies, and also for living them ourselves.
There are lots of SEL classroom strategies, but none as foundational as the 3 Signature Practices from CASEL. Let's work to make every classroom ready to learn through effective SEL!
Key SEL Support Resources

Deer Oaks EAP Information
Character Strengths Survey
Interested in building your SEL muscles through online learning? Try this free MOOC from The Friday Institute at N.C. State University.
Video Resources
Drowning in Empathy: The Cost of Vicarious Trauma Amy Cunningham
Educators are caring by choice, but following student needs can come at a cost, especially when they are suffering. This video discusses Vicarious Trauma, the toll it takes and our hopes for overcoming it.
Survival Brain vs. Learning Brain: Aaron Wiemeier
An important reminder that kids will succeed if they can, but sometimes don’t have the tools. This understanding is at the basis of trauma-sensitive instruction.
Anti-Racism Resources
SEL is intricately tied to a sense of one’s self in the world. This space provides anti-racism resources for exploring questions of social injustice that can develop the competency of self-awareness that can lead to actionable change.