Keep DPS Schools Safe!
Keep DPS Schools Safe!
See It. Report It.
See It. Report It.
The Say Something Anonymous 24/7 Reporting System, from Sandy Hook Promise, allows anyone in Durham to submit secure, anonymous safety concerns to help someone who may hurt themselves or others. Trained coordinators are standing by. Press the button below if you have a tip or concern!
What is an SEL Hub?
What is an SEL Hub?
This SEL Hub serves as a space for the Durham Public Schools Community to connect and access resources to support the social emotional needs of all.
Learn more about Social-Emotional Learning
and the District's work to support our families.
Training our DPS staff in Social Emotional Learning skills
Training our DPS staff in Social Emotional Learning skills
Our Instructional Assistants are a vital role to supporting our students. Gloria Sanchez our Social Emotional Learning and Mental Health Coordinator shares key classroom strategies with our staff during a teacher workday.

Social-Emotional Resources
Social-Emotional Resources